
Laura’s Perspective on Supervision:

“Besides the always-interesting and honorable work with clients over the years, supervision, consultation and mentorship has been some of the most meaningful and growth-inspiring aspects of my work. As such, I have a passion for offering quality supervision to provisional psychologists interested in growing their skills to provide the best possible therapeutic experiences to their clients, and to also deepen their own self-awareness as individuals and practitioners. My hope is that through this learning and skill-development process, emerging psychologists will develop the confidence to step into independent practice. I also hope that this experience will establish a process for on-going supervision and consultation throughout practitioners’ career lifespan as providers of psychological services.”

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Specialization and Areas of Focus


Laura works primarily in the area of trauma from a somatic-based perspective. She has been trained in EMDR and self-regulation therapy (SRT), the latter of which informs the entirety of her practice with adult clients. Additionally, Laura has trained in emotion focused therapy (EFT), applying its attachment-based principles across populations. Laura maintains training and personal supervision/consultation with colleagues in these areas of practice. She also does not hesitate to consult with CAP and PAA advisors as needed.

Laura has a passion for the creative and expressive arts and has undertaken multiple workshops and seminars over the past 30 years. This is an area of interest that she continues to explore and deepen her personal practice. Prior to the pandemic, Laura’s office was in a naturopathic clinic of multi-modal practitioners, reflecting a collaborative approach to health as a best practice. In this clinic they had the opportunity to undertake group supervision so that each practitioner could provide their expertise on a client’s case.

Trauma Training

Laura believes that if there is one area in which emerging professionals can improve their skills it would be in competent trauma-treatment. As trauma is most often the root of symptom presentation, Laura offers supervisees and emerging practitioners a “master class” in trauma skills via a monthly 2 hour skills training group, running 9 groups/year September-November, January-June). This is a closed and small group (i.e. maximum 6 participants). Year 1: skills training with opportunity to practice skills with direct coaching and observation of exemplar sessions. Year 2: hybrid skills and consultation on client work. On-going group supervision/consultation offered thereafter. You may use some of this toward group supervision or toward your continuing competence requirements.

Group Supervision

Laura provides small group supervision (i.e. 3-6 participants) for supervisees. These groups occur monthly for the duration of supervised practice and are an opportunity to learn from other practitioners, obtain feedback on client cases, explore ethical dilemmas, and improve skills. During year 1 of supervision, this group will also be a space to explore integration of the trauma skills into practice with clients. Recording and sharing excerpts of sessions with clients will be a part of the process. As per CAP’s limitations, you may use 27 of your 107 supervision hours toward group supervision.

The Person of the Therapist:

Laura also believe in the critical importance of establishing good, long-term self-care practices, especially practitioners’ own personal psychological counselling. She will encourage supervisees to take some time to reflect on their current self-care practices and identify areas that may need attention. 


Optimally the best supervision feels collaborative: Laura’s role is to support supervisees in providing good quality care to their clients. Laura and supervisees may hold different perspectives on cases. Part of the reciprocal nature of this process is that both can learn from each other. However, as the supervisor, Laura is jointly responsible and potentially liable for supervisees’ clients. Laura is also, like the College of Alberta Psychologist, co-responsible for “protecting the public” – that is, maintaining the Code of Ethics for Psychologists and the Standards of Practice for psychology in Alberta. In the case of an ethical dilemma, if a collaborative agreement cannot be achieved, Laura is committed to further consultation with a supervision specialist to come to a decision on how best to proceed.

In the initial phase of supervision, it is important to take sufficient time to review all recommended paperwork, as required by the College of Alberta Psychologists, discuss the supervision agreement/contract, review the evaluative process, make any adjustments as needed, and establish the general format/flow for each supervision session. Laura believes that evaluations should never be a surprise and welcomes supervisees’ feedback if they have concerns with this process.

Scheduling and Finding Time

Often a challenge with supervision is time, especially taking time to discuss any process challenges that may come up between the supervisor and supervisee. Laura invites you to please inform her if something about the process is not sitting well with you, and she also commits to the same.

As Laura maintains a busy private practice, she is rigorous about respecting time boundaries. She asks that supervisees arrive for supervision sessions on time, prepared with their cases to review and questions they have, as well as anything outstanding from previous supervision meetings that require follow up. Laura uses a shared Google Drive format to keep records of agendas (expected prior to each supervision session), hours tracker, and supervision logs; as well as resources and relevant documents.

If supervisees need to cancel a supervision session, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required, unless due to illness or an emergency. I commit to the same.

Supervision rates are $200/hour for primary and secondary supervision.

Group supervision $100/session; monthly for duration of supervision on Form A. Option to continue on Form B if interested. (Note: group supervision is not counted toward your 2 hours/month of required supervision on Form B. Form B will end in 2024: please see CAP’s website for latest updates).

Trauma Skills Group: $100/session; monthly (September-June, no meeting in December) for 9 month commitment. Level 1: skill development; Level 2: hybrid skills and integration into practice with clients.

Professional consultation for registered psychologists: $200/hour.

I offer external supervision to provisional psychologists, and do not offer practicum placements for graduate interns at this time. If supervision is agreed upon, you will be required to review and sign a supervision contract prior to commencement of services.

Fees payable via credit card or etransfer within 24 hours of your session.